Serving Together – Part I

Are you missing the fullness of God’s plan for your life by going it alone?

Have you ever thought about how much more we could accomplish if we truly understood the power of serving together? This week, we’ll explore why God didn’t design us to be lone rangers in our spiritual journey and how serving alongside others unlocks the full potential of His plan for our lives. 

Imagine the difference it could make if we fully embraced the strength, encouragement, and growth that comes from working in unity with one another. We’ll see how God uses our relationships to sharpen us, to stretch us, and to reveal His purpose in ways we never imagined. These relationships are not just nice to have—they are essential to discovering who we are meant to be in Christ.

Join us as we look at the power of serving together and discover how God’s design for community can lead us into the fullness of His plan. 


  1. What do you think is the most important reason why God wants us to serve together rather than alone?
  2. Why do you think God designed us to find our purpose and meaning in community rather than in isolation?
  3. How have you seen the “messiness” of relationships play out in your own life, and how did it help you grow?
  4. Why do you think God values progress over perfection in our relationships with one another?
  5. How does the idea of being a “family” within the church challenge the way you currently interact with others?
  6. In what ways have you experienced the benefits of teamwork in your spiritual journey or in other areas of your life?
  7. What practical steps can you take to build more trust and empathy within your small group or church community?
  8. How can serving together in a group help reveal the unique gifts and talents God has given you?
  9. What are some ways we can better support and encourage each other in our spiritual growth through service?
  10. How can the principles from this message be applied to other areas of your life, such as your work, home, or relationships?

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